TaiG team just released a jailbreak tool for iOS 8.3, They named this tool as TaiG 2. Now you can easily jailbreak your iOS 8.3 iPhone, iPad or iPod touch using this tool
the Taig2 tool from following link or from taig2 website. We recommend
to follow our below guide before your iOS 8.3 Jailbreak.
Download TaiG 2 for Windows
Pangu is working to release jailbreak for iOS 8.3 and iOS 8.4
iOS 8.3 jailbreak is not available for Mac, PPJailbreak team will
release their tool soon. Mac users can do the Semi jailbreak via
semijb.com at this time
How to jailbreak iOS 8.3 using TaiG2
iOS 8.3 jailbreak is very easy with TaiG 2 tool. Just download the TaiG 2 from above download link or taig2 website.
Then you have to register TaiG 2 premium software. You must submit your email address to receive the registration code, After complete the registration process you can start your iOS 8.3 jailbreak process
Just disable your “Find My iPhone” and disable Passcode before start the jailbreak. Then run the TaiG 2 software and connect your device to your windows computer. It should detect your device as iOS 8.3
We recommend you to uncheck “3K assistant” if you cannot read the Chinese language, Make sure to keep check mark to “Cydia install”. Then start the Jailbreak process. You will get “storage full” message when jailbreak process complete
You can easily complete your iOS 8.3 jailbreak process with Taig2. After the jailbreak process, please open the Cydia. It takes some time to load all file system.
Fix Cydia substrate after the iOS 8.3 jailbreak
You have to fix Cydia substrate after the jailbreak process. Otherwise many apps will not work with your iOS 8.3 device. Open Cydia and tap search to find “ifile”. Then you can download and install it.
Then you have to install untether.deb file to your iOS 8.3 device, please visit this web page from your jailbroken device and click following link to install it
Insall untether.deb
or you can type following url on your jailbroken iOS 8.3 device
Tap the above link from your device and tap the “open in iFile” (above the download page) Then restart your device. Now you can install any Cydia apps and tweaks to your jailbroken iOS 8.3 device
Main iOS 8.3 error – Jailbreak stuck 20%
This is the most common error with iOS 8.3 JB, TaiG team will fix this error in next version soon. You can simply recover this error downgrading your iTunes version, After the jailbreak process, you can upgrade it again
Completely unistall your latest iTunes version and download this version and install it. Then start the jailbreak process again
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